[ Today's Readings ] 

When we face trials the temptation is to turn back. The harder things get the more tempted we are to look at those around us who are not following Jesus and to envy their lives which seem filled with the earthly pleasures they seek. We ought not be fooled and we must not turn back!
On that day, someone who is on the housetop
and whose belongings are in the house
must not go down to get them,
and likewise one in the field
must not return to what was left behind.
Remember the wife of Lot.
The days of the world, the flesh, and the devil are numbered. To turn back is to choose to share in their fate. Business as usual seems great until the floods come or fire and brimstone rain from the sky. We are on a pilgrimage out of Egypt. Even though the meat pots, melons, garlic and leeks sound appealing in the desert we were slaves their. We move from slavery to freedom. Even though life without Jesus sometimes seems easier we are in fact dead without him.
Let's not chase after any antichrists that deny Jesus. They may say that he has not come in the flesh and so the flesh doesn't matter. Sin away, but be spiritual and it's fine, says this antichrist. Let us in nowise run from the teaching we receive from Jesus. It is not complicated.
But now, Lady, I ask you,
not as though I were writing a new commandment
but the one we have had from the beginning:
let us love one another.
For this is love, that we walk according to his commandments;
this is the commandment, as you heard from the beginning,
in which you should walk.
We are called to live a new life of love. Sometimes turning back seems easier. Sometimes sitting on the couch with a bear seems preferable. But that is not love. Let us abide and live in love.
Open my eyes, that I may consider
the wonders of your law.
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