The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
The Spirit of the Lord was revealed to be upon Jesus at his baptism when it descended upon him like a dove. He was then revealed to be the Messiah, the Christ, the anointed one. But he had been this since even before his birth, since the moment he was conceived. This anointing not merely an interesting fact or an identifying characteristic. Instead the anointing gave direction to his life, as we can see when, for instance, the Spirit drove him into the desert to be tempted (see Mark 1:12).
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives
Jesus was obviously not led into the desert to be tempted for the sake of exposing himself to danger. He did not go so that he could merely gloat over a victory. Instead, it was a part of his plan to refashion broken humanity. By being first victorious in all of the ways that sin made people prone to fail, Jesus made it possible for those in union with him by faith to share in his victory.
for whoever is begotten by God conquers the world.
And the victory that conquers the world is our faith
The Spirit therefore drove him not only into the desert but also toward his mission to proclaim the good news to the poor, as he did in the beatitudes. He came also to give sight to the blind, especially to those who were spiritually blind and new they were. He was driven to overthrow any power the enemy had over the creatures he had made. Ultimately, nothing, not even death itself could stand in the way of this victory.
“Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.”
It was not obvious to all who heard that the passage had been fulfilled in their hearing. They thought Jesus was one of them and that they knew everything there was to know about him. In that moment it required faith to recognize the fulfillment. So too for us, who have by now grown accustomed to our relationship with Jesus. He invites us to share in his victory. But it must first be by faith before it can be by sight.
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