When tribulation or persecution comes because of the word it turns out I do struggle and fall away, but not entirely. And that is key. Yet sometimes hope is hard to see, and Satan gives lie after lie in exchange for our hopes. With no roots it is difficult to press on when things don't seem like they will be better. In this time, one might say, 'Well I can't be blamed'. But all the while I, for my part, feel more strongly lure of riches and the craving for other things. I can quickly become a choke artist, turning aside from the prize for things quickly lost or ruined. It's really easy to plan the next little indulgence and really difficult to pray with sustained attention. But, as long as we don't fall away entirely we need not be lost. If we persevere Jesus can bring goodness even from an experience such as this.
The Holy Spirit also testifies to us, for after saying:
This is the covenant I will establish with them
after those days, says the Lord:
“I will put my laws in their hearts,
and I will write them upon their minds,”
The Holy Spirit does not say this only to those who were already good, nor only to a faithful remnant. He says it to the whole house of Israel, precisely because without his help thy did not and would not keep the law. If their old unfaithful hearts refused to be obey they needed more than discipline. They needed new hearts. And this was something God alone could provide. Yet it was not something that made them less than themselves, but more. More Godlike, closer to God's own heart.
he also says:
Their sins and their evildoing
I will remember no more.
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