Thursday, June 6, 2019

6 June 2019 - till all are one

so that they may all be one

This is a "plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth" (see Ephesians 1:10).

All the things that divide person from person, family from family, and nation from nation must give way to this unifying power of Jesus. It is not merely a political ideal which would then be divided from other political ideals. The basis of this unity is not abstract but concrete. It is the unity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that is the basis and the hope of true unity.

as you, Father, are in me and I in you,
that they also may be in us

This supernatural basis is why the world recognizes it as extraordinary when it is actually lived out.

that the world may believe that you sent me.

Normally we don't think of unity as being evidence of Christianity. In our daily lives many people from many walks of life manage to get along. But this isn't yet the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace that gives evidence of the Trinity. That unity goes beyond putting up with one another and extends into identifying with others, seeking their good, and bearing their burdens.

Paul experienced this unity profoundly when he was asked by Jesus why he was persecuting him. Paul thought he was only persecuting Christians. He learned first hand how connected the body of Christ is meant to be. After that his motivation to spread that same unity was deeply zealous. He wasn't opposed to revealing the discord between the Pharisees and Sadducees about the resurrection precisely so that they might look for a deeper source of unity. It was precisely Christian unity that enabled Paul to bear witness in Rome even in spite of the very real danger.

The following night the Lord stood by him and said, "Take courage.
For just as you have borne witness to my cause in Jerusalem,
so you must also bear witness in Rome.

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