Thursday, October 3, 2024

3 October 2024 - ask the master of the harvest

The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few;
so ask the master of the harvest
to send out laborers for his harvest.

Even the seventy-two disciples that Jesus was sending were a small number compared to the abundant harvest that awaited them. Although Jesus was himself sending this large number of individuals to to out and prepare for the harvest he also asked them to ask the Lord for more. But the specific words did not limit the sending only to the additional help that was necessary. It included the sending of all the laborers, and therefore also the seventy-two disciples themselves who were instructed thus to pray. They were themselves praying to be sent. It was thus not a mission that could be undertaken at individual whim or caprice, but one which needed to have its origin in God's power and plan. This prayer for laborers for the harvest would be rightly directly both to the Father, who would inwardly draw people to Jesus, and to Jesus himself, who was the one visibly sending the laborers out on their mission. That Jesus instructed the disciples to pray in this way suggested that the providential unfolding of the kingdom was in some way dependent on it, and that there would be blessings not bestowed if they were not sought. It was an antidote both against complacency, the idea that everything would just happen anyway no matter what an individual did, and anxiety, as though everything depending on oneself alone.

Go on your way;
behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves.

Jesus was not sending the disciples out as soldiers. He was sending vulnerable individuals into a danger zone and specifically instructing them to avoid much preparation. They were not to overcome the challenge posed by others by their own prowess, but rather by relying on God's providence. The wolves that tried to oppose Jesus himself would certainly also try to block the work of his disciples. But it was the meek who would inherit the earth, and so they were to remain gentle and humble of heart just like Jesus himself. It would have seemingly made things easier if they were permitted to bring extra provisions for the journey. But Jesus did not want them to rely even on the preparations they made so much as on their trust in him and his word.

Into whatever house you enter, first say,
‘Peace to this household.’
If a peaceful person lives there,
your peace will rest on him;
but if not, it will return to you.

In the order of priority in the instructions Jesus gave, bestowing peace where the disciples arrived came before preaching and healing. In doing so they were extended the message of the angels at the birth of Jesus who proclaimed peace to people of good will (see Luke 2:14). This gift of peace is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit (see Galatians 5:22-23) and is a blessing that every Christian is invited to spread to others. We are meant to be like the disciples, who were able to be bold because even if others did not welcome their peace they would not be hurt by that because it would simply return back to them. But we're often afraid to share our peace for fear of losing it. This probably means we've become content with flimsy worldly peace that cannot last. We should turn back to the peace given by Jesus himself so that we too can share it without fear.

And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace (see James 3:18).

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