Tuesday, October 27, 2020

27 October 2020 - starting small

It is like a mustard seed

It is like yeast

When we first rely on the power of the Kingdom it seems too small to make a difference. This is the moment of the planting and the mixing. We can't wait until we have a partially grown bush or a partially leavened loaf. If we don't plant the seed at the smallest point it will never grow. If we don't leaven the dough before it begins to rise it will never happen. We are called to begin with faith, with the expectation that the eventual outcome will far surpass the appearance of the initial investment.

The seed of Jesus's own life seemed too small a thing to change the whole world. The Church into which that seed grew became large enough for the birds of the sky to dwell in its branches. The bread which the Son of Man would give did not seem like enough to feed the hungry. Five loaves and two fishes didn't seem like enough to feed the crowd. Much less did the bread of the Eucharist seem like enough to sate the spiritual hunger of the entire world. Yet the crowds ate and were satisfied. We have found that the bread from heaven that we receive in the Church is enough to satisfy, that it contains all sweetness within it.

Only by realizing that small beginnings are expected, and by trusting in the promises of the one who tells us where and how to begin, will we find the outcomes that the Kingdom promises, those things for which we most long.

For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother
and be joined to his wife,
and the two shall become one flesh.

Marriage, or any sort of vocation, seems to be a bad idea in this world. Commitments seems like too little in the face of hostile circumstances and ever changing preferences. We see the bushes often die around us before and birds can live in them. Or sometimes they die, leaving the young birds to find new homes. What makes the Kingdom seeds different? They are based on and draw their life from a union which is inseparable, an outcome which is inevitable, and a victory that is assured.

This is a great mystery,
but I speak in reference to Christ and the Church.

Husbands and wives, clergy, and indeed all Christians, can draw their life from the loving union of Christ with his body. The incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection, of Jesus assures us that no matter how small and hopeless the beginnings, the Kingdom's outcomes cannot be hindered. The only danger is that we ourselves might opt out when we don't see results. As long as we stick with the process we too will have places to dwell. We too will eat and be satisfied.

For you shall eat the fruit of your handiwork;
blessed shall you be, and favored.

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