Wednesday, November 25, 2015

25 November 2015 - listening, not ending lists

I myself shall give you a wisdom in speaking
that all your adversaries will be powerless to resist or refute.

It might seem easier to prepare a defense beforehand. Because, after all, it becomes harder to listen to God in difficult times. We'd prefer to have quiet prayer during times of peace which would then prepare us for whatever hardships we might later face. But God often doesn't give us the specific wisdom we need until we need it. And why? He doesn't want us to waste our time preparing our defense beforehand. He doesn't want us living too much in the future or too much in the past. He wants us to live in the present moment. The evil of today is sufficient for itself. In more modern terms, today's trouble is enough for today (cf. Mat. 6:34). This is how he reins us in from patterns of thought which would never let us have any peace.

This works if we trust that he does speak to us. It is feasible when we believe he can really do it. And this is one reason it is so important to pray at all times. During times of consolation and joy we learn to recognize his voice. We come to trust that he speaks. Then we are able to believe that he will keep speaking even when times get hard. We won't need to prepare our defense in advance, as if we faced those difficulties alone. We come to understand that he is with us always, even unto the end of the age (cf. Mat. 28:20).

We need regular prayer that is not just rote or formulaic. Otherwise, if we find ourselves in the position of Daniel, required to speak on behalf of God before a hostile world, we will be too fearful and overwhelmed to listen. Daniel is able to trust the LORD because he is already walking with him. He is able to hear the words which the LORD has for King Nebuchadnezzar because he is used to listening, he is already in relationship with the one who is above every earthly king.

Let's think about it. At the times when the LORD has used us to most effectively share his word was it due mainly to the preparation we had done or was it do to his active intervention in the moment where he showed us what to say and how to say it? It is not to say that learning and study have no value. Just that nothing we do is enough if we stop listening to God in the moment in favor of our own wisdom. If we do listen to God he is able to multiple any knowledge we ourselves have to bear fruit one hundred fold.

If we listen he teaches us how to join the chorus of all creation, offering him glory and eternal praise.

Sun and moon, bless the Lord;
praise and exalt him above all forever.

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