Thursday, May 14, 2015

14 May 2015 - chosen

Jesus wants all of us to be witnesses to the resurrection. 

Matthias is called to give witness as one of the twelve. We are not called to this unique role. But we are all called to give witness to the love of Jesus Christ. We have all experienced the love of Jesus for us, the greatest love there is. He laid down his life for us, his friends.

Just as Jesus doesn't keep anything he heard from his Father a secret from us so too must we tell everything we hear from Jesus about this great love.

Matthias is chosen and we are chosen. We often think that we choose Jesus. But in fact, we should take the time to reflect on how his grace is always first, preparing our hearts for him. He places in us the desire to know him that he himself fulfills.

Jesus chooses us to first receive and then to share his love so that his joy can fill the world. We are called to make the name of Jesus known from the rising to the setting of the sun. No geography is excluded. It isn't just distant lands. Jesus needs to be known here in the places where we live.

From the rising to the setting of the sun
is the name of the LORD to be praised.
High above all nations is the LORD;
above the heavens is his glory.

We are chosen for love and for joy! We must rejoice! We must share this gift. We must be witnesses of the resurrection. The Holy Spirit himself will guide us into all truth. We may feel unprepared. But there is no better preparation than to have the Spirit within us. Rather than focusing on the details to the point of paralysis by analysis let us hear the simple command which Jesus gives us: "love one another."

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