"In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard because of their many words."
The LORD desires sincerity in our words. He desires truth spoken from the heart. Our words are often superfluous. It isn't so much that there are too many as that they are often to no purpose. We should instead strive to be like the LORD. This is why he says of his own word that "[i]t shall not return to me void". His words aren't superfluos. They always express his love. How very unlike our words these are. The more our words multiply the less we seem to be speaking of love.
Let us begin, then, with how we cry out to him, "Our Father". Let his name be hallowed in us. If this word is not hallowed then no wonder the rest of the words we speak fall short. Let us be just, forgiving and asking forgiveness. Then we shall say with the psalmist that we "sought the LORD, and he answered". He will deliver us from all of our fears.
The broken hearted no longer care for extraneous words. They no longer care about pretense. They cry to the LORD from their hearts. He saves them from all their distress.
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